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Consider the Lilies

A Guided Contemplative Walk 

We need more than solitude and self-care to break the cycle of burnout, anxiety, and rushing. We need the support of others, the guidance of scripture, and the space to consider.


This walk provides a simple, repeatable method of slowing down. It's an interactive journey to refreshment, renewal, and peace that follows biblical rhythms and centuries-old practices.


 Break free from exhaustion and find rest for your souls.

Woman sitting on bench looking at sunrise

Intentional space for stillness, listening, and slowing down.

Group of four people praying and dancing

Opportunity for personal reflection and connection with others. 

Woman looking out the window in meditation

Become more aware of God’s presence in the everyday rhythms of life. 

"I learned how to be present and felt more at ease, knowing that God is walking right beside me. I began to get more revelation about my purpose and my next steps toward that purpose."

- Past Participant

Reserve Your Spot for the Next Consider the Lilies Walk

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